مدونات ضد المحاكمات : الحرية لمدحت الحداد | الحرية لعصام حشيش | الحرية للدكتور بشر | الحرية لضياء فرحات | الحرية لخيرت الشاطر | الحرية لحسن مالك

مؤسسة ماس " تجمع إسلامي للمسلمين في أمريكا " دعت إلي تظاهرة اليوم الجمعة عقب الصلاة أمام السفارة المصرية بواشنطن من أجل التعبير عن رفض المحاكمات العسكرية وكبت الحريات واعتقال المعارضين في مصر ..

المؤسسة دعت إلي الضغط علي دافع الضرائب الأمريكي للضغط علي حكومته لوقف دعم الأنظمة القمعية .

MAS Freedom Foundation Underscores Egyptian Human Rights Campaign with Visits and Rally

WASHINGTON, DC - Apr. 23, 2007 (MASNET) On March 2, 2007 the Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation, through its civil and human rights department, responded to the human rights violations and severe assault on nonviolent opposition groups by launching the Human Rights Campaign in Egypt.
The Freedom Foundation has officially expressed its concerns to the U.S. State Department, the Egyptian embassy, and congressional leadership. The Freedom Foundation will confer with officials from the State Department and the Egyptian embassy in separate meetings on Tuesday, April 24, 2007.
Joining MAS Freedom Foundation will be prominent American religious leaders and human rights activists.
Further, to protest recent assaults in Egypt on human rights and democratic initiatives, the MAS Freedom Foundation and other human rights organizations will sponsor a rally in front of the Egyptian embassy, 3521 International Court NW, Washington, DC on Friday, April, 27 at 1:00 pm. Additional demonstrations in front of Egyptian consulate offices will be held in Detroit and Chicago.

Stop Human Rights Abuses in Egypt

The goal of the Human Rights Campaign in Egypt is to call the American people and public officials’ attention to Egypt’s retreat from a stated commitment for a more open and inclusive government. This retreat from democracy has resulted in a cruel crackdown on moderate Islamic activists, nonreligious political opponents of to the Mubarak government, jurists, journalists, and academicians.
Egypt remains the second largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid ($2 billion dollars annually), despite continued Egyptian government attacks on political opposition and domestic dissent
The MAS Freedom Foundation encourages all people of conscience to join us this Friday at the Egyptian embassy to express their concern about the current state of affairs in Egypt.
The rally and press conference in front of the Egyptian embassy will be preceded by Jummah (Muslim Friday congregational prayer) at 12:30 pm.
Ibrahim Ramey of the MASFF Human and Civil Rights Division commented that “We of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation are committed to bringing a fair and balanced criticism of human rights violations committed in majority Muslim nation states. Our message to the President and government of Egypt is a clear one: we stand for real justice for all, and we demand that all governments respect the human rights of their citizens.”
For more information contact MAS Freedom Foundation at: (703) 998-6525 or (202)-421-3623

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